The more he got to know Usheen Keady, the more Gene Christopher started to believe that Keady was an evil spirit roaming the world for the ruination of souls.
In the course of their six-month association, the evidence mounted rapidly before Gene's eyes. This was no mere troublesome, restless spook, making intermittent appearances from the afterlife, but an actual incubus, preying on the living—in the land of the quick—and hoping to suck every good person it met down into the mephitic pit whence it came.
Gene had grappled with similar spirits in the past. Memorably, one clever and satanic succubus had run him ragged for several centuries; only vanquished, in the end, by a terrific and sustained act of will on Gene's part.
Now, though, in the form of Usheen Keady, he felt he was up against something far more cunning, baffling and powerful; a fiend so thoroughly loathsome and nefarious that conquering it would need all his stores of strength.
In the wickedness stakes, this guy was prime fillet (pun intended).
Usheen’s modus operandi was to trawl the ZZ rooms in search of the vulnerable, those damaged by addiction on the verge of losing everything, and ensnare them through his usage of English.
In pursuit of this task, he made it his business to be highly versed in the philosophical underpinnings of the ZZ programme. When sharing—as was the format at meetings—he would launch into lengthy spiels, couched in academic terminology, designed to impress upon his audience the depth of his intellect. To his side he attracted an army of acolytes—tilting their awestruck heads in his direction—hanging on his every pearl of so-called wisdom.
His praises were sung to the rafters and he was hailed as an exceptionally upstanding member of the fellowship.
Gene Christopher never bought into this cult of adulation that formed around Usheen Keady. There was just something about the fucker...
Ó Brian Ahern 2011
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