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Showing posts from 2012

Referendum Count

Friends, Okay, that might be stretching it a bit. I mean, does anybody even read these posts? Anyway, it's New Year's Eve and I'm ending the year with a post that has no relevance to that fact whatsoever. It's a piece of footage from all of seven months back. I shot it in Dublin Castle on my iPhone. The occasion was the Fiscal Treaty referendum count. As you can see from the photo above, Miriam O'Callaghan of RTÉ was interviewing two politicos, namely, the leftie Richard Boyd Barrett and the more-to-the-right and fragrant Lucinda Creighton. Yours truly was nearby: watching, watching, always watching... Have a great 2013! Here's the link: I remain your humble servant, Brian

Binky Bunny

Friends, Here's link to a binky bunny, having some fun on a Saturday night. I threw up the picture of me on the Empire State purely because it reminded me of King Kong. There's no connection to the bunny film in case you are confused. The rabbit: Humbly, Brian

Empire State

Friends, (See previous posts as to how I feel about using that opening term). Anyway, up next is some brief footage shot atop the world famous Empire State Building in New York City. Completed in 1931 and standing at some 1,250 feet, the edifice really needs no introduction. I did the $25 tour up to the observation deck on the 86th floor and it was worth every cent. It was so impressive to see the amazing city of New York laid out before my eyes from such a height. My darling girl Aisling was with me, too, as you'll see from the video. Luckily, there was no sign of King Kong the day I was there. Please enjoy the footage: With utter humility, Brian

Times Square Snippet

Hi Friends, Once again I ask myself: am I delusional addressing my blog with that opener "Hi Friends"? I mean, does anyone even read the freaking thing? Well, I'll just have to ponder that question alone I guess. Now, to the business at hand. Below is a link to a snippet of footage I shot in New York's Times Square about a month ago. I think it gives a flavour of that bright and bustling place. If I'm not mistaken it was taken on the night of Saturday, September 29th 2012. The news today, October 30th, is bad regarding Hurricane Sandy and her effect on the east coast of America including New York. I pray that that great city and country will recover quickly from the battering they are getting right now. Please enjoy the link: Humble as always, Brian

Liberty Island Snippet

Hi Friends, Am I delusional opening this post with that cheery "Hi Friends" above. I mean, does anyone even read this blog? Ah well, that's a question for another day. Plod on. I took the above photo on a recent trip to New York. I was travelling on the ferry over to see the world famous Statue of Liberty. Without wishing to sound boastful, I think it's a bloody good photograph. Anyway, when I got to Liberty Island - which was well worth a visit by the way - I shot some footage with my iPhone. It's brief, but it's worth a look. Here is the link: Hope y'all like it. With feelings of utter humility, Brian


Hi, It's me again with a quick blog post. I took the above photograph in Dublin on the afternoon of September 5th, 2012. I was out for my usual postprandial perambulation. I had actually postponed it the previous day on account of a large amount of precipitation that was emanating from the firmament, so I was delighted to be able to stretch my legs on this particular afternoon. Whoa there a second! I've just reread what I've written up to now and must admit it has a decidedly sesquipedalian tinge to it. Therefore, I promise to try to "keep it simple" for the rest of the post. Anyway, September the 5th it was and I was strolling the southside of the quays. Suddenly, there was a gap in the clouds and the sun came out just as I reached the (relatively) new Samuel Beckett Bridge. I noticed - couldn't help but - the patch of blue in the sky. I also noticed how well the Convention Centre was framed betwixt the cables and columns of the bridge. God's bloo...

Phoenix Park Filming

Hi, I'm posting a link here to some brief footage taken in Dublin's Phoenix Park. It's fast, it's furious and it's short - a bit like life. The music washing over everything is from the band Unrest and their song 'So You Want To Be A Movie Star' from their album Malcolm X Park. Genre: Alternative and Punk. The real wonder of this video is that I didn't fall off my bike while I was making it. Please enjoy. Here's the link: With an ever present sense of deep humility, Brian

Geraldine's Wedding Speech

Hi, My sister Aisling got married on the 18th of August 2012 in Donnycarney Church, Dublin. Last Saturday in other words. It was a brilliant and joyous occasion. Her new husband David Moloney is a lovely man. I know that Aisling and David will be very happy together. My mother Geraldine gave a short speech at the wedding dinner, held in the Grand Hotel Malahide. Luckily I was on hand, at a table nearby, to record Geraldine's words for posterity. Here's the link: Please enjoy. With humility, Brian

Liffey Blue

Hi, I'm posting here another piece of footage centered around one of my all time favourite waterways, viz, the River Liffey in my hometown of Dublin, Ireland. As a matter of interest, in his gargantuan novel Finnegans Wake, James Joyce refers to the Liffey as Anna Livia Plurabelle, but I think I'll just stick with plain old Liffey for the purposes of this post. Besides, I ain't no James Joyce. Anyway, it was on another sunny afternoon (I think that's a song lyric from the nineties) and I found myself upon Capel Street Bridge a.k.a Grattan Bridge for the umpteenth time in my life. Liking what I saw of the river in the clemency of the day, I whipped out my iPhone and filmed away at the scene for thirty seconds or so. The music I've added to the piece is Man on the River by Bryan Ingram. Here is the link to my latest video creation: Whilst maintaining my code of utmost humility, I must say in all f...

A July Day

Hi, The picture above was taken on the morning of July 7th,  2012 with my iPhone 4 camera. If I may say so - in all humility of course! - I think it's rather bloody good. I was cycling back from the Phoenix Park where I had gone to get a pleasant morning's exercise - if exercise is ever meant to be pleasant! The day was clement after a night of extremely heavy rain. Cycling by the canal over the bridge at Castleknock train station, I glimpsed the delightful idyll before my eyes and simply had to get off my bike and shoot the scene. I'm sure glad I did. Please enjoy. Humble to the core of my being, Brian

Spider on the Line

Hello, The flower above is ablaze in my garden, praise be to Jah! Myself and Aisling were out in it the other night, too, when we espied an arachnid weaving its intricate web by the clothesline. Being an avid recorder of interesting things in this world (well, I think they're interesting), I began filming the little fellow and his thin home with my iPhone. On the piece, there's a nice exchange to be heard betwixt myself and herself in which we comment upon the sheer wondrousness of it all. Sadly, there's also a rather lame attempt at wit on my part towards the one-minute mark in which I draw a tenuous link to the new Spider-Man film. Apologies for that, but I've no doubt you will enjoy the rest of the short film. Here she goes: With deep humility, Brian

Path of the Phoenix

Greetings, More filming whilst riding the cycle paths in the beautiful Phoenix Park. Thanks to YouTube's editing tool, it all looks wonderfully steady. Was also able to add The Waterboys' song "On My Way to Heaven" which was available from YouTube's catalogue. If I do say so myself, the overall effect is decidedly cool. Watch out for the piece at the end, as I careen towards the Castleknock Gate, you'll see a sign saying the park is celebrating 350 years in existence! Here's to the next 350:-) Enjoy the video, the link: Yours, humbly, Brian

Die lustige Witwe

Hello, I was lucky enough to attend this beautiful rehearsal recently in the historic Saint Werburgh's Church, Dublin. It was a warm summer's evening in late May and the soprano Sarah Power was warming up with The Merry Widow by Franz Lehár. I sat at the back and filmed. I've posted the link here. Please take a moment from your busy day to have a listen. I think you'll find it sublime. The link: Yours, humbly, Brian PS Here's the Wiki on Saint Werburgh's to give you a feel for the place:'s_Church,_Dublin

Park Bike Minute

Hi, With such glorious sunshine in Dublin today, I went down to the Phoenix Park on my bike and filmed some footage. It's rather nice if I say so myself. Do please enjoy. Humbly, B:-) Said footage: PS Managed to use a Ticket to Ride version from YouTube's 150,000+ tracks. Works nicely.

Playful Palominos

Hi, I'm posting a link below to some rather nice footage I took recently of the beautiful Palomino horses in the grounds of the Hotel Dunloe Castle, Co. Kerry. As can be seen from the video, the animals were in particularly frisky form whilst I was shooting. There is even an attempted mounting in the course of the short piece. The music I've chosen, from the thousands of songs available in theYouTube editing tools, is the Wylie & The Wild West track 'Hooves of the Horses'. Quite apt, dontcha think? As humble as ever, Brian:-) Here's the link:

Down by the Laune

Hi, I'm posting a link here to a short video I made whilst walking by the river Laune in Killorglin, Co. Kerry recently. The day - April the 28th, 2012 - was notable for its glimpse of sun after a long week of rain. When getting the video ready to publish on YouTube, I was lucky enough to find an instrumental version of the song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds available for common usage in their editing tools. I jumped at the chance to use a (albeit instrumental) version of that classic (and controversial) Beatles track. If I may say so, the addition of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds to the video gives the whole thing a wonderfully trippy vibe:-) My only wish now is that you, whoever you are, will take a moment to watch and enjoy this small, groovy creation of mine. As ever, with deep humility, Brian Here's the link:

MacGillycuddy's Reeks

Hi, It's Monday morning. A traditionally depressing and bleak time of the week. A time that cries out for something edifying to lift the spirit. This link, if I may say so with absolute humility, may do just the trick. It's a minute-long clip that I filmed yesterday (29th, April 2012) of the majestic MacGillycuddy's Reeks mountain range in County Kerry, Ireland. As they say (a tad threateningly) in the finest dining establishments: enjoy! Humbly, Brian:-) The aformentioned link:


'Self-harm', my 12th short story to be released on the free Ether Books iPhone app, is available from today. As a matter of interest for music fans Amy W makes a brief appearance in the tale. Anyway, I know this is naked self-aggrandisement but if you've got an iPhone you could do worse than download 'Self-harm'. Available on Android later in the year, Brian:-) PS The photograph is of me in a far younger incarnation. Here's the link to the Ether Books website where you'll find plenty of info regarding their innovative app.

River Mirror

On a recent morning, at about 7.30a.m., I was lucky enough to capture some wonderful reflective light on the surface of sweet Anna Livia Plurabelle. I present it to you here with deep humility. Please enjoy, Brian The link:

Dublin Snippet

I've been larking about with my iPhone again. Here's a minute's worth of footage shot down at the quays: As they say rather threateningly in many restaurants: Enjoy! Thine humble shutterbug, Brian:-)

Stroll Around the Grounds

Hi, Here's another experiment in vision and sound. Granted, it's not xactly action-packed but I think it has a certain something, if I do say so myself *coughs humbly*. The music, Be Thou My Vision, is from the Northern Irish Gospel trio Revelation. The location: The King's Inns, Dublin. Now the link: Imbued with humility, Brian:-)

Irish Karma

So, there I was perambulating through Temple Bar on a Monday lunchtime. Of a sudden, on the air, the sound of drumming, chanting and music filled my ears. Thankfully, by means of my trusty iPhone, I managed to capture some of the spectacle for posterity. Here's the link should you care to view it: Hare Rama, Brian

Unoccupied Dame Street

I went down to the Central Bank Plaza on Dame Street, Dublin today and grabbed a 40-second clip of the last vestiges of the Occupy Dame Street movement. I've posted the clip to YouTube and the link is below for your delectation. The authorities came for the protesters last night - like thieves in the night - and dismantled their camp in a matter of hours. It had been in existence since last October. The City Fathers have been telling the press in the past few days that they want the plaza cleaned up in preparation for the upcoming Saint Patrick's Day parade on March the 17th. I have a strong feeling, however, that this is not the last we will hear of the Dame Street dissenters. The link: Brian:-)

Bobbing Swans

Whilst filming the swimming snippet that I've linked here, I was struck by the following thought: When all is said and done, it mightn't be such a bad thing to come back as a swan...


Got a minute? Kindly have a deco at the above photo, wherein I've attempted - by means of the Camera+ app - to give the image a noirish feel. You know the kind of thing I mean: "I was downtown, stone cold sober, on my way to an appointment with destiny." Taken on Friday last (17th February, 2012), in a small alleyway off Dame Street, Dublin (I'm not 100% certain, but I think it may be called Dame Court), capturing the picture entailed standing around for quite a spell due to a steady stream of pedestrians filing through - not to mention ducking down! - the laneway. I wanted to achieve an uncluttered grab of the narrow vista and so waited and waited for the propitious moment to arrive. I've no doubt I aroused the suspicion of many a passerby as I hung around pacing restlessly and generally looking furtive. Eventually, when all seemed clear and the stream of Joe and Josephine Publics had abated for a minute, I ra...

Ghostly paradigm

Although - as can be clearly seen from the above photograph - it was taken on a grey morning, I am neither a vampire or a victim nor had I stumbled out of a hole in the ground prior to capturing this eerie moment. Au contraire , I was my usual upbeat self - positioned on Capel Street Bridge - on a recent Monday morning when this ghostly paradigm of things caught my eye in the Liffey water. It's the people on the Ha'penny Bridge (right of the shot) that I think most about - the ones upside down in the river that is. I mean, are they walking around still? In some parallel universe? It's certainly giving me pause for thought. But, cripes, my mind is wandering and racing and I haven't even been blazing. Best to be quiet, eh? However, do please take a moment to enjoy the picture. With deeep humility, Brian:-)

Brian Ahern reads a flash fiction composition of his own...

Standing in University Green

By the River (part two)

By the River

Here's a little creation of mine...

Incubus (An extract)

                                                            The more he got to know Usheen Keady, the more Gene Christopher started to believe that Keady was an evil spirit roaming the world for the ruination of souls. In the course of their six-month association, the evidence mounted rapidly before Gene's eyes. This was no mere troublesome, restless spook, making intermittent appearances from the afterlife, but an actual incubus, preying on the living—in the land of the quick—and hoping to suck every good person it met down into the mephitic pit whence it came. Gene had grappled with similar spirits in the past. Memorably, one clever and satanic succubus had run him ragged for several centuries; only van...

"She just wants to see the boy happy!"

Today I learnt speech bubbles. In the 23rd second my mate Gerry shouts from the crowd: "She just wants to see the boy happy!" Now you see it...

A True Story

      Wherein we encounter Mr. Grudge Galmount...   Forget wood. He wanted to be a carpenter of words. So he persevered and wondered if he was writing the longest suicide note in history.   He was jolted in his mind to St. Valentine’s day in 1996:                                                          “Morning time blinding sun,                                               Terrible letter has come,            ...

A Tramp’s Regret

There was no lowlier vagabond than Henry Carton. About fifty, he’d been on the tramp trail for nigh on seven years; the classic routes, drink and gambling, having led him to his ruinous state. He was one of quite a few bereft souls of no fixed abode who existed in the locality. Henry slept nightly in a thick bush situated in an overgrown section of Saint Stephen’s Green—that beautiful city park. For the past year, this vagrant’s version of domesticity had been his home. Tonight he’d retired early enough, around eight, and immediately began rolling from side to side trying to find comfort in the damp foliage—an impossible task which he knew was doomed from the start. A lack of money and a consequent lack of cider had him thus flustered and he sensed that going peacefully to the Land of Nod was a hopeless prospect. Henry’s depression was grave. The old blankets, newspapers and cardboard of which his nest comprised had become smelly sodden piles over the weeks and sleeping upon the...