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Showing posts from September, 2017


The afternoon's quiet Sustained my latest thought That I had reached some dream state Where things were clear and bright. It was all vain I knew, Cloaked by walls Calmed by smells, This idea of you. "How easily," said a creeping voice. "Things would break outside this house." "I would not cave in," I replied. "Where once I went with my happy, noble, starry-eyed stride." But these again but vain conflicts To stir a too-still river, And once more I would find my mind Back on my make-believe lover. "She is the air and I am the sea And when she is charged she controls me. I crash and I cry in her mischievous face And when she is running my waves give chase. She levels my foul mood with a gentle breeze, Calming all my seven seas, And I at times can soak throughout her Crying and raining my boundless water." "Well done," hissed my tormentor. "You dream finely yet are chilled to the bone....